Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Episode 13 : February 1989

Greetings Starhunters!

We're back with a new episode.  Here is Episode 13 : February 1989.

First up, we look at Starman number 9, the reintroduction to the New Blockbuster!.
Starman 9: Guest starring Batman

Comic Title: Starman #9
Cover Date: April 1989
On Sale Date: February 28, 1989
Cover Price: $1.00

Title: "Blockbuster"

Writer: Roger Stern
Penciller: Tom Lyle
Inker: Robert R. Smith
Letterer: Robert M. Pinaha
Colorist: Julianna Ferriter
Cover Credits
Artist: Tom Lyle
Editor: Robert Greenberger

Starman meet up with the new Blockbuster... while Batman approaches from the wings...

Then we move over to Manhunter number 12 (which is our halfway point for the Manhunter run).

Then at 30 minutes in:
Manhunter #12

Cover Date: April 1989
On Sale Date: February 14, 1989 
Cover Price: $1.00

Editor: Barbara J. Kesel (Randall)

Another issue with 2 mini stories....

Story one:
Title: "Losers Weepers Conclusion"
Pages: 12

Writer: John Ostrander
Writer: Kim Yale
Penciller: Doug Rice
Inker: Pablo Marcos
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Julianna Ferriter

Cover Credits
Artist: Doug Rice

This story finishes our Manhunter Down Hunter storyline.

Then for the second story:
Title: "Fairy Tale"
Pages: 10
Writer: Kim Yale
Artist: Sam Kieth
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Julianna Ferriter
Editor: Barbara J. Kesel (Randall)

This story we find Lt. Best telling his daughter a bedtime story.

Finally at 42 minutes in, we get to visit Cop-A-Comics Comic Rack as we look at the books on sale February 1989.

Ads played this episode:

Write in and let us know what you think of this episode and these issues.  When did you first read them?  What did you think of them then and now?  Let us know.

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We'll see you soon, Starhunters!

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